P.O. Box 1363 Northampton, MA 01061

Free Money for Forbes
Are you a Florence Bank customer? You can help the Friends of Forbes win a Customer’s Choice Community Grant from Florence Bank with a simple vote by December 31! Florence Bank is donating $100,000 to local non-profit organizations with their Annual Customers’ Choice Community Grants Program, and you decide who gets the money! Be sure to vote before December 31st to make your vote count. Thank you for your support!
The Friends of Forbes Library is an independent, non-profit organization whose mission is to promote the interests of the Forbes Library so that its services, activities, and facilities may benefit the public to the greatest extent possible. The Friends provide financial support to programs, projects, events and materials whose costs cannot be met from the library’s annual operating budget.
Friends of Forbes funds its activities through an annual membership drive, a citywide tour of private gardens every June, an artisans fair at library in the fall and other fundraisers. The Friends sponsor children’s and young adult programs, staff computer training, concerts and lecture series, purchase reference materials, support Special Collections preservation, and make annual contributions to the library Book Fund.